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Blog #25 Facilities Management: The Key to Success for Every Business

Facilities management is an essential function for any business, regardless of its size or industry. Facilities managers are responsible for ensuring that the physical workplace is safe, comfortable, and efficient for all employees and visitors. They oversee a range of tasks, including maintenance, repairs, cleaning, security, and environmental management. In this blog, we’ll discuss the importance of facilities managers and why every business needs them.

Ensuring a safe workplace

One of the primary responsibilities of facilities managers is to ensure a safe workplace for all employees and visitors. They are responsible for identifying potential hazards and taking proactive steps to mitigate them. This includes regular inspections of the building’s structure, equipment, and systems, such as heating and cooling, electrical, plumbing, and fire safety.
Facilities managers work closely with other departments, such as health and safety and human resources, to develop and implement policies and procedures to minimise risks. They also ensure that employees are trained in emergency procedures, such as evacuation, and that all necessary safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers, are in place and maintained.

According to a survey by IFMA (International Facility Management Association), 97% of organisations believe that facilities management is an essential business function.

Creating a comfortable work environment

Facilities managers are responsible for creating a comfortable work environment for employees. This includes ensuring that the building is well-lit, clean, and properly ventilated. They also oversee the temperature and humidity levels to ensure that they are within a comfortable range.
Creating a comfortable work environment can have a significant impact on employee productivity and morale. If employees are uncomfortable or unhappy with their working conditions, they are less likely to be motivated and may experience health issues, such as headaches, eye strain, and respiratory problems.

Maintaining the building's physical infrastructure

Facilities managers are responsible for maintaining the building’s physical infrastructure, including the roof, walls, floors, and windows. This includes regular inspections and repairs, as well as planning for and overseeing major renovations and upgrades.
Maintaining the physical infrastructure is essential for ensuring the longevity of the building and preventing costly repairs and replacements down the line. Facilities managers work closely with contractors and vendors to ensure that repairs and renovations are done to a high standard and within budget.

Managing energy and resource use

Facilities managers are responsible for managing energy and resource use within the building. This includes monitoring energy consumption and identifying opportunities for energy efficiency improvements. They may also implement recycling and waste reduction programs to minimise the environmental impact of the business.
Managing energy and resource use can help to reduce costs and improve the sustainability of the business. By implementing energy-efficient technologies and practices, businesses can lower their energy bills and reduce their carbon footprint.
Some examples of this are:
  • LED lighting: Replacing traditional incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs can significantly reduce energy consumption and lower lighting costs.
  • Energy-efficient HVAC systems: Upgrading to energy-efficient heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems can reduce energy consumption and improve indoor air quality.
  • Renewable energy: Installing solar panels or wind turbines can help businesses generate their own renewable energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and lowering energy bills.
  • Smart building systems: Implementing smart building systems, such as automated lighting and temperature controls, can help optimise energy use and reduce waste.
  • Waste reduction and recycling: Implementing waste reduction and recycling programs can help businesses reduce their environmental impact and lower waste disposal costs.
  • Telecommuting and remote work: Allowing employees to work remotely can help reduce energy use and greenhouse gas emissions associated with commuting and travel.
  • By adopting these and other energy-efficient technologies and practices, businesses can lower their energy bills, reduce their environmental impact, and enhance their sustainability.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that energy-efficient practices can reduce energy costs by 30% on average, with some businesses achieving savings of up to 50%

Ensuring compliance with regulations

Facilities managers are responsible for ensuring that the building and its operations comply with all relevant regulations and standards. This includes health and safety regulations, building codes, environmental regulations, and accessibility standards.
Ensuring compliance with regulations is essential for avoiding fines, lawsuits, and damage to the business’s reputation. Facilities managers work closely with regulatory bodies and other stakeholders to ensure that the business is operating within the law and meeting its obligations.

Managing vendor relationships

Facilities managers are responsible for managing relationships with vendors and contractors, such as cleaning services, maintenance providers, and security companies. This includes sourcing new vendors, negotiating contracts, and monitoring the quality of services provided.
Managing vendor relationships is essential for ensuring that the business receives high-quality services at a reasonable cost. Facilities managers collaborate closely with vendors to develop and maintain positive relationships, which can lead to better service and more favourable terms.

Supporting business operations

Facilities managers play a critical role in supporting business operations. They ensure that the physical workplace is functioning smoothly and efficiently, which can help to minimise downtime and disruptions. They also provide support for events and meetings, such as setting up equipment and providing catering services.

Supporting business operations can have a significant impact on the success of the business. By ensuring that the workplace is running smoothly, facilities managers enable other departments to focus on their core functions and achieve their goals.
According to a study by the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management, effective facilities management can lead to a 20% improvement in employee productivity and a 15% reduction in operating costs.

Planning for the future

Facilities managers are responsible for planning for the future of the business’s physical workplace. This includes developing long-term strategies for maintenance, upgrades, and renovations, as well as ensuring that the building is adaptable to changing business needs.
Planning for the future is essential for ensuring the longevity and success of the business. By anticipating future needs and trends, facilities managers can help to ensure that the physical workplace remains a valuable asset and a competitive advantage for the business.


In conclusion, facilities managers play a vital role in the success of every business. They are responsible for ensuring a safe, comfortable, and efficient physical workplace, which can have a significant impact on employee productivity, morale, and well-being. They also manage energy and resource use, ensure compliance with regulations, and support business operations. By recognising the importance of facilities management and investing in skilled professionals to oversee this function, businesses can create a more productive, sustainable, and successful workplace.

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