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Blog #44 Technology’s Role in Combating Fuel Poverty in UK Social Housing

Preamble Following our previous discussion on the pressing issue of fuel poverty within the UK’s social housing landscape, it’s time to look towards the future for solutions. The role of technology, particularly the Internet of Things (IoT), can be pivotal in this regard. In this blog post, we delve into the innovative ways technology can […]

Blog #43 The Unseen Crisis: Fuel Poverty and the UK Social Housing Market

In recent years, the issues surrounding fuel poverty and the UK’s social housing market have increasingly intersected, amplifying the challenges faced by vulnerable populations. Fuel poverty—characterised by the inability to afford adequate energy services—intersects deeply with the challenges of social housing, which aims to provide affordable accommodation to those in need. In this blog post, […]

Blog #41 The Role of Building Management Systems (BMS) in Achieving Net Zero Buildings

The Role of Building Management Systems (BMS) in Achieving Net Zero Buildings In the face of growing concerns about climate change and environmental sustainability, the concept of net zero buildings has gained significant traction. Net zero buildings strive to balance energy consumption and renewable energy generation, ultimately reducing their carbon footprint to zero. Achieving this […]

Blog #39 Retrofitting Buildings with BMS Systems: A Critical Step towards Meeting Carbon Targets

Retrofitting Buildings with BMS Systems: A Critical Step towards Meeting Carbon Targets The urgent need to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change has put buildings in the spotlight as significant contributors to environmental impact. As the world strives to meet ambitious carbon reduction targets, retrofitting existing buildings with Building Management Systems (BMS) has emerged […]

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