Free Demo

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1.No Obligation Demonstration:

– The demonstration is provided on a no-obligation demonstration basis.

– After a period of 30 calendar days from the installation date, UNITY Smart Social Housing becomes eligible for sale or return.

2.Full Report on Property and Benefits of UNITY Smart Social Housing

– Upon completion of the demonstration period, a comprehensive report detailing the middle 2 weeks of the demonstration on the performance of your property in regard to risk of damp and mould will be provided.

– The report will outline the specific benefits and enhancements that UNITY Smart Social Housing can bring to your unique requirements.

– A review meeting will be arranged on completion of the 30-day demonstration.

3.Purchase Option

– During or after the 30-day trial period, should you wish to purchase UNITY Smart Social Housing a meeting will be arranged to discuss commercials.


– Should you decide not to proceed with UNITY Smart Social Housing, please ensure the safe return of the demonstration hardware to: Alpaca Global Solutions Ltd, Unit 5 Weald Hall Lane, Thornwood, Essex CM16 6NR

– Hardware must be returned in full within a period set at 14 days from the end date of the trial period.


– While we encourage thorough examination and use of UNITY Smart Social Housing hardware, we kindly request that it is handled responsibly.

6.Damages Policy

– While we encourage thorough evaluation and use of the demonstration hardware, any damages incurred during the trial period for returned equipment will be chargeable.
– Charges for damages will be assessed based on the extent of the damage and the associated repair or replacement costs.

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