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Blog #18 How CAFM can help with business continuity

Introduction Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM) is an essential tool for organisations to manage their facilities efficiently. It is a software solution that helps organisations manage and maintain their facilities and assets, including buildings, equipment, and people. CAFM systems allow businesses to track, monitor, and optimize their operations, which ultimately helps them save time and money. […]

Blog #16 How CAFM software can help disaster recovery

In today’s fast-paced business environment, the impact of natural disasters, cyber-attacks, and other disruptions can be devastating. A disaster can disrupt an organisation’s operations, damage its reputation, and negatively impact its bottom line. As a result, organisations need to have robust disaster recovery plans in place to minimise the impact of such events. In this […]

Blog #14 How can CAFM help reduce your carbon emissions?

Introduction Computer-aided facilities management (CAFM) is a software system that enables organisations to manage their facilities efficiently. CAFM software typically includes a range of features, including space and asset management, preventive maintenance scheduling, and work order management. With the growing focus on environmental sustainability, CAFM systems are now being used to help organisations reduce their […]

Blog #13 From Dead Technology to Dynamic Solution: The Resurgence of CAFM

Is CAFM Dead? Let’s take a look… Despite its apparent popularity, our own surveys and research has shown a reasonably significant trend towards Facilities Management professionals either resisting, or simply not employing industry specific software (ie: CAFM – Computer Aided Facilities Management). Therefore, its not unreasonable to assume CAFM as a software type in its […]

Blog #12 What’s next for CAFM & CMMS?

Introduction Computer-Aided Facility Management (CAFM) and Computerised Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) have been at the forefront of managing facilities and maintenance operations for decades. These systems provide organisations with the data and tools they need to manage their facilities and assets, and their importance is only set to increase in the future, as they continue […]

Blog #11 The Importance of Staying Up to Date with Compliance

What is a compliance? Compliance means following rules and regulations set by government agencies or organisations. It’s about making sure companies and people do what is expected of them, according to the laws and policies that apply to their industry. There are non-statutory compliances which means that they are not mandatory and then there is […]

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